Who am I? Where have I been? Where am I going? How do others see me? How do I get God into my life? How can I find deeper meaning by making sense of past hurts and neglect. When things seemed senseless, as much suffering is, how was I helped to move to a place of grace, accepting that bad things happen to the good and life is neither tidy nor perfect.
These are just some of the searching, probing questions I began to ask myself many years ago. I longed for healing, love and peace. I want to share with you some blessings, meditations/ reflections, tips, tools and resources which I have used in order to search for truth, wisdom and hope.
My aim is to encourage you discover a spiritual space around you. By this you will discover a rhythm with your own nature where things flow and balance naturally. Guided by these writings you will discover a deeper sense of wisdom and belonging.
Blessing: John O’Donohue (August 2020)
This is the time to be slow, Lie low to the wall Until the bitter weather passes. Try, as best you can, not to let The wire brush of doubt Scrape from your heart All sense of yourself And your hesitant light. If you remain generous, Time will come good; And you will find your
Read moreBlessing: Mary Anne Willow (June 2020)
May your heart… Mary Anne Willow
Read moreBlessing: Mary Anne Willow (May 2020)
In the sweetness of silence, Holding Nature’s hand, May your heart be refreshed by her stillness And may your soul fly on the wings of beauty, love and hope.
Read moreYour Ego (who you think you are) Vs. Your True Essence (who you really are)
Throughout my life my ‘inner essence’ has often guided my work and career choices. It enabled me to make life changing decisions based on the desire to serve others and ignore my ego which was driven by selfish individualism. In the words of Richard Rohr “the ego is that part of the self that wants
Read moreCarpe Diem and Your Inner Voice
My memoirs make many references to my ‘inner voice’ which has guided me throughout my life. Some would say this is our intuition or divine guidance. When I listened and surrendered to this hidden mystical voice I often felt empowered to make instinctive decisions which would protect me or enable me to change and transform
Read moreReflecting on Your Everyday Experience #2
“ If experience is the food of learning, then reflection is the digestive process………to benefit from experience, it is essential to make something of it….” Obholzer 1994 This meditation is taken from the preface to my memoir ‘The Grace of a Nightingale’. It describes what I experienced when revisiting some of my memories in order
Read moreTips For Writing A Book
Writing your memoir can be exhausting, lonely and confusing. Here are some of the things I found helpful when writing my debut book….The Grace of a Nightingale – A Memoir of Vulnerability, Hope and Love, April 2019. 1_ Keep believing in Your Story and your ability to write whether its fiction or non-fiction. Despite how
Read moreWho Am I? Finding Deeper Meaning Wisdom and Truth
Whilst writing my memoir…here are some of the tools and exercises I found helpful when searching for deeper meaning and spiritual hope: The Timeline Exercise – Contemplative Story Telling https://blogs.psychcentral.com/relationships/2012/04/the-power-of-creating-a-timeline-of-your-lifes-story/ The Enneagram – Psychological Growth & Spiritual Wisdom https://www.enneagramworldwide.com The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – How We Perceive the World https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/ Jungian Therapy https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/jungian-therapy.html
Read moreQuote – Nancy Lawson – The Humane Gardener
At a time when our fellow inhabitants of the earth increasingly depend on our mercy and ingenuity to survive, our default has instead been to kill and destroy.
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