This page is devoted to guest writers, authors, musicians and poets. It includes short fiction & non-fictional stories, lyrics, poetry and material which helps transform others peoples lives so that they may live more fully.
Lesley Young – Selected Poems #17
Poppy Appeal A centenary Of single, scarlet petals Lest we should forget This bold sacrifice Rivers of blood, and heartache For those left behind The tears we now shed Mere droplets in time. Our thanks? The least we can do. Lesley Young – Writer and Poet Lesley specialises in helping senior managers in the NHS
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Wedding Haiku Share each other’s lives In many ways. Go gently, Special friends always. Lesley Young – Writer and Poet Lesley specialises in helping senior managers in the NHS and not for profit sectors to cope with the challenges they face in bringing about sustainable change. She has also run her own organisational consultancy
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Identity Crisis She was looking for herself In all the usual places Seeking a connection But finding just blank spaces She’d tried the church and dancing class And some unusual places Chasing her identity But tripping on her laces She’s been to Paris, and to Rome And more exotic places But sadly, much to her
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On Becoming a University Lecturer I imagined this place would be grand With spires, and Eminent professors with spectacles And flowing gowns, Renowned For their eccentricity and wisdom I imagined this place would be old With wooden panelled walls, and Long quiet corridors Cold, dusty libraries And ancient theories For students to expound I imagined
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I can resist anything but temptation * You’ll never be left on the shelf Reclining there so provocatively In your skimpy white robe, Your golden-skinned body Shimmering with promise And perfectly formed. How can I resist you – And your enticing wickedness? ”Take me” You silently command. And I am rooted to the spot Powerless. I must have you now Lose myself in
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Jekyll and Hyde Us Jekyll and Hyde you, Hold me tight in the morning, Say that I’m lovely, stroke our worries away. Then somehow, and always surprisingly, Strike me down in the evening, With daggers drawn. Jekyll and Hyde I, Feel safe in your arms, Lulled into fantasy that things are okay. Then somehow, and
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The Long Sleep Years I slept, long and fettered My slow-motion life This weariness, a leaden cloak My line of sight Blurred by wine and circumstance My hopes and dreams, for want of nurturing Crushed and wounded It took the wisdom of a trusted mentor, A poet’s watchful eye, And an angel’s guiding hand To
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Burren Light It began this way. A notion a slight suggestion a search for questions and a yearning just beyond my reach. A curiosity wavering around the edges of my imagination tormenting me on the tip of my tongue. Until I found myself wandering in another place a wilderness so stark and beautiful so full
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Comfort Eating “I’m leaving!” He declared “Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries living with you, Florentine!” “You’re so selfish” He added As he headed for the door
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Alford Dawn White-iced wonderland Startled by a valiant sun I wake to the morn Longing for you still November’s sparks, like tinder, Rekindling old flames. Lesley Young – Writer and Poet Lesley specialises in helping senior managers in the NHS and not for profit sectors to cope with the challenges they face in bringing about sustainable
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Autumnal Equinox Yesterday, I watched A proud, defiant sun Rise above the cool, grey sea. I felt the chill of summer’s passing Only briefly, As a hundred Swarovski crystals Danced among the glassy waves In rays of light Like theatre. A magical day, as long as night The Autumn Equinox come at last Reminds me
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Ten to Seven You might have seen me walking In the company of friends On Dartmoor’s ancient trails. You might have seen us strike a pose For a selfie here and there, with No apparent cares, but to Capture those scenes for all time, Of upland moors and craggy tors Of wooded vales and rivers
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