Lesley Young – Selected Poems #6

Ten to Seven

You might have seen me walking
In the company of friends
On Dartmoor’s ancient trails.

You might have seen us strike a pose
For a selfie here and there, with
No apparent cares, but to

Capture those scenes for all time,
Of upland moors and craggy tors
Of wooded vales and rivers free,

Meadow thistle’s slender stems
And bronze aged circles, hewn from stone
And a single precious damselfly,
Practised a little ballet.

We were mesmerised
High on life and love, and nature,
And the deepest amber sky.

You might have seen us gaze in awe,
When those iconic ponies halted – at some silent call,
And, with full and flowing manes and all
Wild and wondrous, galloped free.

And in my hands a star flashed fire
I knew it then,
That for all my reckoning,
This message was for me.

L.Young | September 2017
National Poetry Day | Theme | Freedom

Lesley Young Poet and WriterLesley Young – Writer and Poet

Lesley specialises in helping senior managers in the NHS and not for profit sectors to cope with the challenges they face in bringing about sustainable change.  She has also run her own organisational consultancy business since 2010, and is an accredited and experienced life and business coach.

But Lesley is first and foremost a writer and poet and has been writing for more than 30 years.  She likes her writing to be of the moment and immediate, which means that she leans mostly towards poetry and short stories.  She has been a member of the Scarborough Writers’ Circle for 8 years, where she currently holds the committee role of publicity and website officer.

Lesley is passionate about making a difference.  The healing powers of poetry, and the written and spoken word, underpin and feature in Lesley’s work always.  She has a growing interest in storytelling and memoir, and has several projects in the pipeline – one of which is to develop her interest in running writing retreats, and the other to publish some of her own writing.

To find out more about Lesley visit: integracoaching.uk.com